Super Resolution – The Next Step in High End Imaging Technology
Single image super-resolution (SISR) is a common and challenging vague problem, which aims to obtain a high-resolution (HR) output from one of its low-resolution (LR) versions. To solve the SISR problem, recently powerful deep learning algorithms have been employed and achieved the state-of-the-art performance. Diagram showing Super Resolution The end goal is to recover the high resolution image, which one can resample depending on the input images and imaging model. It is very important for the imaging model for the super resolution to be accurate. An incorrect modeling can degrade the image quality. Deep learning can be easily applied to perform the Super resolution rather than using the traditional approach of using images from multiple cameras or video sequence. Applications of Super Resolution A high resolution image is of utmost importance in the field of medical imaging for diagnosis of any healthy issues. Other fields requiring the execution of super resolution imaging incl...