
Showing posts from June, 2020

YOLOv5 Controversy – Is YOLOv5 Real?

Prologue Apr 23rd, 2020 – YOLOv4 was released... ...June 10th 2020, YOLOv5 was also released. Marvelous ain’t how fast we are progressing in our research and technology. I mean to get the next generation of the popular object detection framework so soon after its predecessor was just released. Is YOLOv5 really here or is it a ruse ? We’ll investigate the evidence as objectively as possible, right now in this article, so stay tuned. Source : For those who don’t know what YOLO is, it a real-time object detection framework and stands for You Only Look Once. Meaning the image is only passed once through the FCNN or fully convolutional neural network. I will not go into the technical details of how YOLO works, as I’ve already have 2 videos on my YouTube Channel explained YOLOv1 originated by Joseph Redmon et. Al. all the way to YOLOv4 upgrade by Bochkovskiy et. al. For those of you are interested in my course , there will be a link in the des